Paperfly for Energy Providers

• Enable customer de/registration and subscription plan changes as a digital self service.
• Customer meter reading with smartphone including sanity checks.
• Get instant agreements on pricing, advertisement consent or ToS changes.
• Enhance your customer recovery process.

Paperfly for Energy Providers

• Enable customer de/registration and subscription plan changes as a digital self service.
• Customer meter reading with smartphone including sanity checks.
• Get instant agreements on pricing, advertisement consent or ToS changes.
• Enhance your customer recovery process.

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Improved Customer Service Quality
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Improved Customer Experience
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Less touchpoints and
customer follow-ups

Paperfly for Energy Suppliers

Paperfly enables customer service automation and improves response times. Let customers approve changes to their energy plan directly on their smartphone without the need to install any app. Paperfly makes it easy for your to attract-and-keep-new customers.

Die automatisierte Bearbeitung von Kundenanliegen ist ein wichtiges Thema bei uns.
Mit Änderungsangeboten per SMS auf das Smartphone von Kunden mit Wechselwunsch, konnten wir einen zweistelligen Prozentteil wechselwilliger Kunden zurückgewinnen.
Das der Kunde direkt am Smartphone der Vertragsänderung zustimmen und die Kündigung zurückziehen kann, ohne eine App installieren zu müssen, ist der größte Vorteil den wir in Paperfly für uns sehen.
Die Erfolgsquote traditioneller Ansprachewege im Kündigungsfall per Telefon, Post oder E-Mail liegt bei uns deutlich hinter der Performance von Paperfly.

Sven Johansson

Junior Manager Dienstleistersteuerung

With Paperfly energy plan contracts can be signed and accepted by the customer within minutes.
Get instant customer agreements on your ToS or request meter readings for gas, water and electricity.

Paperfly guides and assists the customer with digital self services like meter readings using the customers smartphone.
The technology behind Paperfly allows automated sanity checks on self service meter readings.

Zero install. Zero Login. Your customer does not need to install any app as Paperfly runs directly within the browser of the customers device. Customers don’t even need to log into an enterprise portal. Their workflow can start with a simple text message. 



Paperfly is the fastest and most user friendly mobile and desktop solution to collect documents, data, signatures, KYC details and payments from your customer.

Paperfly is the fastest and most user friendly solution to collect documents, data, signatures, KYC details and payments from your customer..