e-Signature with Paperfly

The best Customer Experience

Simple. Convenient. Safe.
signature video
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Less touchpoints and customer follow-ups
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Improved Customer Experience
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Reduced time for document collection

How an electronic signature with Paperfly works.

Your company sends the customer a text message which opens a secure document or form.
The customer can read and sign the document in real time with a finger or stylus on mobile devices. The document will then be electronically sealed with a timestamp and protected against tampering with a unique checksum. All processes are recorded and documented in an audit trail. All signers receive a fully executed copy of any agreement signed.
Paperfly provides legally binding and secure electronic signatures on any device and is fully compliant with UETA and ESIGN acts. When dealing with European business partners Paperfly also supports simple, advanced and qualified electronic signatures as defined in the European eIDAS regulation.

1. The customer gets a text message with a link to the document that needs to be signed.

2. The customer reads and signs the document with a finger or stylus on a mobile device.


3. Signed documents will be transmitted securely and tamper proof to your company’s servers or cloud. All steps of this process are documented in an audit trail.